''Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting festival
in India, celebrated in the first week of July. This movement was initiated in the
year 1950 by India's Union Minister for Agriculture, Kulapati Dr.K M Munshi. This festival has gained immense national
importance and every year, millions of saplings are planted all across India in
observation of the Van Mahotsav week.
It helps spread awareness amongst people about
the harm caused by the cutting down of trees.People celebrate Van Mahotsava by
planting trees or saplings in homes, offices, schools, colleges, etc. Awareness
campaigns are held at various levels. Novel promotions like free circulation of
trees are also taken up by various departments of the school. Recently the
students of IX and X prepared nukad nataks , poems, songs, etc. and
participated in open house discussion and pledged to protect the trees.